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1982 -2017: 35 Years Of Bloodshed, Tears, Villainous Crimes In Cameroon

The divorce between Paul Biya and the Cameroonians is definitely consumed: beyond his soothing speeches, recent decisions, Paul Biya pays for having betrayed certain promises. 

Whatever he does, the Cameroonians always have in mind, the image of a man who has always left and who always allows situations to rot, thus giving the impression of a man who passes most of his more time to rest than to work. 

The choice of his royal nickname in 1992 during the presidential campaign was not insignificant: the lion man.

The analogy with the Indomitable Lions could seem complimentary. But, the reference to the king of animals, considered lazy and indolent was an indicator of his taste for the holidays and his thalassotherapy cure in La Baule.
35 Years Of Bloodshed, Tears, Villainous Crimes In Cameroon
Manage Cameroon or transform it? The man of great ambitions and great disappointments has long made the choice. He endorsed Charles Pasqua's quote that "the promises of politicians are binding only on those who believe in it". 

It is well known that politicians make many promises during or as they approach election campaigns. Once in power, the reality principle prevails and some promises are not kept.

With Paul Biya the image of the politician is a little more chipped. It is not only the reality principle, it is the reality of inertia. The head of state of Cameroon has discredited political speech. Paul Biya does not do what he says and rarely says what he does. 

All areas of national life are concerned. Whether it's the economy, education, justice, political parties, the family code, the media, sports, etc.
And to say that under his nose and his beard, state structures do not work, it does not bother him! What is he waiting for to fill the two posts of Deputy Secretaries General of the Presidency of the Republic that have been vacant for several months? 

What is he waiting for to set up the Constitutional Council? Let us not speak of murders and murders sponsored, it is said, rightly or wrongly, by some of his collaborators, whose conclusions of the various investigations were postponed to Cameroonian calendar. 

Another assassination of a prelate has just been perpetrated, the last of a very long list. Will this assassination affect Paul Biya?

To hear Paul Biya speak, we can give him the Good God without confession. The Cameroonian head of state, in 35 years of undivided rule, has managed to make Cameroon, a cemetery of the men of God, a republic where verb and action do not combine, a jelly for his compatriots.

There is no doubt. Bishop Jean Marie Benoit Bala, bishop of the diocese of Bafia was assassinated. The staging orchestrated by the sponsors was intended to strike the imaginations and give a global echo to this villainous crime, at the same time as they issued a serious warning to all those who would try to hinder their demonic desire to feed themselves of the vital substance of others. 

Without forgetting that behind this despicable act worthy of Lucifer, we can not evacuate the hypothesis according to which, the godfathers of this heinous assassination launched a serious challenge to Paul Biya, showing the Cameroonians that nothing will happen to them, because, whatever the conclusions of open investigations, they are the true holders of power.

Just as the hypothesis of a political assassination can not be evacuated, if we stick to the silences of the Vatican, the Western chancelleries based in Yaoundé and if we take into account the battery of means used to eliminate the prelate. The process followed in his killing inclined to think that it was not a simple punishment, but that the assassins were looking for information. But which ones?

It is not for the first time that we witness the theatricalization and spectacularization of an assassination in Cameroon. The defenestration in broad daylight of poor Djomo Pokam from the heights of a posh hotel located in the heart of Yaoundé is a clear illustration. 

Just as the heinous assassination of Bishop Bala is only the last of a very long series that urges informed observers to assert that Cameroon is the cemetery of the men of God.

The paradox is that every time a heinous murder is committed, the government announces the opening of an investigation to determine the culprits and other sponsors. But, never, the conclusions of the said investigations were made public and the sponsors worried. Why ?

The reason is simple. Police and gendarmerie investigators, for the most part, do their job well, but as soon as their conclusions converge on one or more of the regime's most symbolic personalities or clutches, a dark veil covers the investigations. and suddenly the impasse settles. 

So that the elements of the investigation report on the Eséka railway disaster published on May 23, 2017, by the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, Ferdinand Ngo Ngoh, are perceived by a large part of public opinion as a ninth humbug related to the launch of the 2018 presidential campaign.

In fact, a foreigner who can not be suspected of any ill-will towards the regime in place, even accidentally parachuted in our country, and who is interested in the local political governance, will not fail to observe that one Major problems of the governing system instituted by Paul Biya since 1982 lie in the fact that the volubility of the verb does not follow the action. 

In other words, as we have already pointed out, instead of registering in a register of a government and a governance where verb and action are combined, the current governing order in Cameroon excels in the government of the derisory verb where words are limited to words. To govern is to eat.

A long time ago, Jean Marc Ela had made the sad observation of the systemic crises of action in Cameroon through the expression, "the words are tired," contained in his book: Social Innovations and the Renaissance of Black Africa . 

The challenges of the world from below. In essence, the eminent sociologist through this expression reported that in Cameroon the constant shift between the verb and the action installs the Cameroonian in a permanent skepticism with regard to the speeches of the order leaders and fists A few leaders of a certain opposition, in the context of socio-economic and socio-political crises, where governing is eating.

To constantly feed this political swindle, the ideologues of the regime of the declarations of intent and of the inertia to the businesses mobilize an incantatory vocabulary in the service of the presidential evasions: "I will take care of it personally", "the time of the president is not not the time of the media "," I will see you "," I understood you ".

Yet we can make cheap promises unfulfilled presidential, its commitments without further action. We can mark a pause to illustrate our point about the government's failure to achieve the ambitious goals set out by the Head of State in his 2013 end-of-year speech. Since then, as the French chansonnier Cameroon "We are waiting" for the announced earthquake to restore the effectiveness of government action. 

Which should lead to the reduction of the governmental obesity whose only reason for being is to fatten the heads of networks clientelistes allowing the presidential leader to satiate his obsession of eternity.

When the expectations of the populations are expressed (lack of water, electricity, urban roads, existence of many junctions cacas, existence of many structures of stupefaction such as drinking places, multinationals of God, the plethoric numbers in lecture halls and classrooms, etc.), as he has very often noted, the refusal to implement the presidential prerogative of sanctioning the resignation of the collaborators he has appointed makes him politically responsible for the indecisiveness and from the carelessness of his ministers.

When he keeps them in office, even after having stigmatized with the last energy their way of serving, as he did on December 31, 2013, the citizen perceives and interprets this maintenance as an inconsistency and an approval of their way of serving. 

The height is that it maintains some of them, even when all the Cameroonians, following the IMF and the World Bank make the report of the bankruptcy of the Cameroonian economy which survives today only thanks to the financings outsiders in the form of debt or bonds, due to the proven incompetence of the cast in charge of finance and the economy and their allies carpets to the prime minister, expert in emergency plan; a group of past predators masters in the art of infinitely multiplying budget projects, without any real impact on the economy. 

This practice inspires today some ministerial departments which found the brilliant idea of ​​organizing conferences without real stakes, if not, than that of feeding their strategies of personal accumulation with a view to financing the projects of succession of their champion. they say under their hood tired and unable to govern. This explains the obstacles observed in the implementation of structuring projects and other initiatives of this kind. As is the case with Camair-co. 

This explains the obstacles observed in the implementation of structuring projects and other initiatives of this kind. As is the case with Camair-co. This explains the obstacles observed in the implementation of structuring projects and other initiatives of this kind. As is the case with Camair-co.

How can we understand that we are still spending so much billions on the recovery of an airline that no longer takes off? Most surprising is that the siphoning of public funds in this case brought to the attention of the presidential leader does not lead to the outbreak of public action, let alone political sanctions. 

Where is the President of the CPDM with the operation mani pulite (clean hands) announced as a new gunboat in his speech at the last congress of his party held on July 21, 2006, in these words: "We still have, I have to say it, a serious problem of public morality.

Despite our efforts to combat them, fraud; misappropriation of public funds, corruption continue to undermine the foundations of our society. I have often had to express myself on the subject and say my determination to eradicate these at-social behaviors. Severe sanctions have been taken in recent months. We will not stop on the way. Those who have enriched themselves at the expense of the public fortune will have to make throat "?

To hear Paul Biya speak, we can give him the Good God without confession. However, since then, Cameroonians have been subjected to selective or research-based treatment of cases that is similar to political purge. If not how to understand the lockdown of some senior officials and high-ranking people in some cases while others are spared or protected, when we do not organize their exit from the country as was the case in the folder Sic and the Dayas Mounoumé affair? 

An immunity of prosecution unjustifiable does it not seem to be decreed for the benefit of certain ministers and DG considered by Cameroonians as the popes of the corruption of the Biya regime? How to understand our total bankruptcy,

How can one say every time to Cameroonians that one is determined to fight the inertia and maintain it by indecision and political calculations?

In addition, Cameroonians have the impression that, in the eyes of the Head of State, certain services are useless for the proper functioning of the institutions of the Republic. Otherwise they do not understand why under his nose and his beard important positions in the functioning of the presidency of the Republic can remain vacant for months or even years. 

How can the same manager cumulate both the position of minister and CEO of a parastatal without this embarrassing Paul Biya? What can justify the half-mast of the Constitutional Council, while on September 30, 2013, when leaving the polling station, the President of the Republic announced the imminence of the establishment of this institution importantissime in the functioning of Cameroonian democracy and the institutions of the Republic?

All these reasons associated with the multiple locks of presidents of the shadow carpet at the presidency who do not intend to sacrifice the ministers and senior officials sponsored, are telling a few wise observers, and rightly so, that the publication of the report on the carnage d'Eséka and the expected effects are just a smokescreen of the perpetual government used as a launching pad for the 2018 presidential campaign. 

They do not hesitate to say that the conclusions of the inquiry launched after the villainous assassination of Bishop Bala will be postponed to Cameroonian calendar. Just wait and see.

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