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Cameroonians Can Die, For Biya Only His Power Counts

Cameroonians can die of plague and cholera. As long as it does not threaten Paul Biya's power, it leaves him at 37 ° C. "Do not last in power who wants, but lasts who can," go tell.

Cameroonians can die of plague and cholera. As long as it does not threaten Paul Biya's power, it leaves him at 37 ° C. "Do not last in power who wants, but lasts who can," go tell.

Who is Paul Biya? Does this question still need to be asked by Cameroonians after thirty-five years of an undivided reign that they will have lived in their flesh that bears the marks of it? It makes sense to think that after all these years, they know Paul Biya!

Moreover, it is teeming so many hagiographic tests on the character: Paul Biya or the incarnation of the rigor, Paul Biya, the secrets of the power, the man who changed the Cameroon, etc., and the last to date : The Biya code, which answer this question. In the same way, there is a flowering of works to load: the true face of Paul Biya, Black files on Cameroon, In Cameroon of Paul Biya, etc., which would make fall the mask of the man.
Cameroonians Can Die, For Biya Only His Power Counts
In the middle of all this, between the lived experience and the writings, the Cameroonian will make his small idea but this one will not be able to make the economy of a constant determinant: the power, in the existential trajectory of Paul Biya, the less from the year 1962, where he began his administrative and political career, immediately rubbing shoulders with the heights of power as mission leader to the presidency of the Republic.

From 1962 to 2017, 55 years in the top administration and at the top of power, mark inevitably. Power is therefore the code from which all understanding and knowledge of Paul Biya is organized and articulated. But already, it is necessary to ask the question of the report and subsidiarily of the idea, that Biya has with the power.
Cameroon. Who governs? This is the title of a book by Flambeau Ngayap, published in 1983, two years after Biya's accession to the supreme office, and which already posed the problem of Biya's relationship with power.

The fact that many people make today is that Biya, a great holidaymaker, always left, does not rule, that he reigns or that it is the clan who has taken him hostage since the failed coup d'etat of April 1984 that would rule Really, or even caught up in senility, Paul Biya would be overwhelmed by his creatures and the turn of events.

All this is possible. But, many Cameroonians have always thought that this was the way of governing Paul Biya and that reflects the idea he has power: let the employees who have been delegated to do what they want (?) which enables him to better hold them and to strike when they have forgotten, intoxicated by so much power, that he is their creator by the power of the decree, and thus relieved of the burdens and servitudes of power, to enjoy the time and life being on holiday indoors, in his native Mvomeka'a, as well as outside Cameroon, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland. Those of his collaborators who believed that they only had to grab the title of president, since they already governed, had for their expenses.

They are who, in Nkondengui, who at SED. The power of Paul Biya is not a ministry in the primary sense of the term, but a solitary enjoyment at the altar of which the government and the Cameroonians sacrifice for the greater good and the greater glory of this god-king. Nothing outside this power seems to interest him, Cameroonians even less.

Besides, what is Paul Biya's relationship with Cameroonians? Did he ever worry about them? Doubt is allowed in view of the state of deprivation of most of them and the return of the Force of the International Monetary Fund.

It is under the mode of provocative aphorisms, full of arrogance and condescension, that one must situate the relations of the king with his subjects. One of his exegetes-courtiers had already compiled these aphorisms under the title: The Proverbs of Paul Biya, which gives an idea of ​​the extent of the proverbial wisdom of the king.

Who does not know Rigor and moralization, Who will live will see, The sovereign national conference is without object, Who are these sorcerer-apprentices? I give them an appointment in 20 years, Do not last in power who wants, but hard that can, More than thirty years of power is a guarantee of stability, Here I am in Douala! We put them in the sauce! As long as Yaoundé breathes Cameroon lives! Etc. Without the contempt and condescension he displays towards his fellow citizens, especially those political opponents. Do not they often treat them as illusions dealers, choas hucksters, hollow proponents, sorcerer apprentices, and so on? ?

These are some of the formulas of the king that we have chosen to revisit to establish that Paul Biya has always taunted Cameroonians. This certainly reflects the only concern he has ever had for Cameroonians whose fate elsewhere has never really interested, they die victims of natural disasters, as was the case of Nyos, or human as it was very recently the case in Eséka, butcheries, Mimboman or Nkolbisson, the Far North because of Boko Haram, etc., all that matters for him, at least as long as it does not pose a threat for his power.

To understand Paul Biya is ultimately to understand his power: everything starts from his power and everything comes back to his power.

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