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Biya Has Always Kept Our Country In Peace - Denis Nkwebo

In 35 years of rule, and despite multiple crises, the head of state has earned a reputation as a "man of peace."

"I am very critical of Paul Biya but I recognize that he has always kept our country in peace. These words are from Denis Nkwebo, a journalist for the privately-owned daily Le Jour, during one of the 2016 editions of "7 sur 7", a Sunday debate show broadcast on the private TV channel STV based in Douala.
Biya Has Always Kept Our Country In Peace - Denis Nkwebo
Valentin Siméon Zinga, then correspondent of the internet service of Radio France Internationale (RFI) in Cameroon, in an article published on June 24, 2005 on "Bakassi: Yaoundé wants to seize the UN", wrote that "President Biya remains on a marked line by the respect of the right and the option of a peaceful resolution. "

The former editorial director of the private daily La Nouvelle Expression recalled that "Cameroon has announced this option following repeated incidents in the Cameroonian peninsula, when the process of applying the ruling of the International Court of sentenced on 10 October 2002 is blocked. "
These identical postures, and at different times, two critical policy options Biya show how it is committed to peace. A concept that the Democratic Rally of the Cameroonian People (CPDM), the political party created by Paul Biya on March 24, 1985 in Bamenda, praises at every opportunity by trumpeting "the merit [of the Head of State] to have always advocated dialogue and peace in crisis situations ".

And the most significant in 35 years of supreme power is the border dispute with Nigeria over the Bakassi Peninsula, the attacks of the Boko Haram terrorist sect in the Far North, the incursions of Central African armed forces on the Cameroonian territory in the East and the Anglophone crisis. About Boko Haram, even if today this enemy is not totally defeated, it is observed that he is very weakened by the repeated knockdowns of the Cameroonian defense forces. Moreover, in recent weeks, ideologically, there is a surrender of some of his followers.

While not holding the Central African State responsible for the abuses committed by some of its citizens in certain localities of the Eastern Region, Paul Biya has created some defense units posted along the border with the Central African Republic (CAR ). 

To do more in deterrence than in repression. When the English-speaking crisis is born in November 2016, Yaoundé is expected to react with Boeotian brutality and especially to defend soldiers attacked by students at Buea University.

"All perpetrators of violence [...] will be punished by law," announced Paul Biya in his message to the Nation on December 31, 2016 to appease one another. Better, the Head of State multiplies the acts of conciliation until the liberation of the persons designated as the presumed leaders of these movements of mood against a backdrop of social demands at the beginning, then, politic afterwards.

Now, the time is looking for ways out of this crisis through dialogue. Because, Paul Biya, who wants to pass to posterity as the man who brought peace to Cameroon, would give everything to preserve the most valuable of his magisterium.

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