Celebrity News

Etoudi 2018: Paul Biya Plays The Card of Transparency

Nothing was left to chance, in terms of communication, for the election campaign of President-candidate Paul Biya in the framework of the presidential election of October 7, 2018.

As he had already set the tone on July 13 in announcing his intention to be a candidate for this election via a tweet, the President of the Republic is more than present on social networks as part of the electoral campaign that opened on September 22 nd.

A few days before the official opening of the campaign, he had already given the alert via another tweet with a simple message: "Do not miss anything from my Campaign 2018. Subscribe to my account @ Biya2018 and to my website paulbiya2018. cm now ".
Etoudi 2018: Paul Biya Plays The Card of Transparency
A website, in its French and English versions, which opens on the campaign poster of the candidate, at the bottom of which scrolls a crawl presenting some topics on the news of the candidate Paul Biya or activities getting closer to his election campaign .
On the right side of the official campaign portrait, the visitor can find the various modules for accessing social networks on behalf of the candidate, including his pages Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

"With your confidence, I will be able to initiate new initiatives to consolidate our achievements and open up new perspectives for Cameroon": the message hardly passes unnoticed under the official portrait of the campaign.

A slide in the middle of the page edits on the main lines of the candidate's ten-point profession of faith, with illustrations of the achievements of the seven-year term that is coming to an end. Want to see the whole program? No problem. All you need to do is click on "View All My Program" to see the ten points mentioned above.

The Great Achievements of the Septennat that is coming to an end are also visible: the Kribi Deep Water Port, the Memve'ele Dam, the Lom Pangar Dam ... with details of all these achievements. The presidential election of October 7, 2018 is also the many supports received by the candidate.

They come from both civil society and political circles, each actor explaining the reasons for this unconditional support to the presidential candidate. Whoever wishes to contact the candidate or his campaign team finds a space in the Bottom where he can address his message.

In the same space, we have the titles of the different sections. That of the media with the image part which presents the book-box, of Oswald Baboké on the candidate which was dedicaced last Friday, the reissued book For the liberalism community whose public presentation is in progress in the chief towns of region , the tweet of the President of the Republic through which he announced his candidacy for the presidential election of October 7 and an image of his campaign poster.

One of the elements of the video part is the official campaign clip of the candidate-president. The rubric closes on an important aspect of the electoral process: how to vote, while at the same time presenting the elements of the candidate support kit.

Published on September 27, 2018 - View More

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