Celebrity News

Sisiku Ayuk Tabe And 11 Other Ambazonians Tried This Morning In Abuja

Twelve (12) secessionists from Ambazonia will be in Nigerian justice on January 22, 2018. 

Ayuk Sisiku Tabe and his family will be tried in Abuja for "violating the laws of the nation by operating training camps in Nigeria?" according to the Nigerian police.
Sisiku Ayuk Tabe And 11 Other Ambazonians Tried This Morning In Abuja
They were arrested in the states of Taraba and Cross River, two states that have borders with southern parts of Cameroon, hence easy access to Nigeria. 

A cohabitation with Nigeria that Buhari's government does not like especially that there is a secessionist movement of Biafra which also claims its independence.

The Cameroonian authorities who are at war with the Ambazonians have not pronounced on the arrest of these English-speaking leaders on January 5th, which put the stick in the wheel of power of Yaounde.

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