Celebrity News

Longevity In Power: The Confidences Of A Close Friend Of Paul Biya

Paul Biya's way of governing is no longer surprising. Having been with Ahmadou Ahidjo, his illustrious predecessor, he knows how to hold his tongue and cultivate the secret, not to show that he has a strength of character, but to hide a kind of weakness, his inability to support a debate . 

We understand why he is afraid of the media.

One of his close associates said that he only accepts to meet the press if he is sent in advance all the questions that must be put to him. True or false, it is true that since his accession to the supreme manger, he has very rarely met the media during a press conference.
Longevity In Power: The Confidences Of A Close Friend Of Paul Biya
When he is forced to speak publicly to the media, he blunders by making comments that not only reveal the extent of his lack of knowledge of contemporary issues, but also reveals the weaknesses of a a character that his thurifiers often present as someone who has great ideas for Cameroon, and to a certain extent for the whole of humanity.
After 35 years of a reign without sharing, the reality is there, relentless. Cameroon is at the bottom of the abyss. Because of a man without ambition whose only project of society is to die in power to avoid responding for his actions when he was in charge of Cameroon. Those Cameroonians who aspire to govern Cameroon, one day, must take very seriously his words from a friend of Paul Biya.

He declared: "The president has the ambition to die in power. Those who dream of seeing him pass on power to someone like himself from Ahidjo will wait a long time. This is his only reason to live. You have to organize accordingly. And he who has real ambitions must either confront him or wait quietly for his death. "

In 2004, he made an appointment for organizing her funeral in 20, that is to say in 2024. 17 years have passed and Cameroonians are definitely in a tragic decade.
Source: Germinal No. 105, May 3, 2017.

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