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We Are Not Asking For Our independence- Secretary Of State Ambazonia

In a recent interview with Camer.be, Larry Ayamba describes himself as the Ambazonia Governing Council (AGC) 's Secretary of State.

As such, he explains that the AGC, which was set up in California in the United States of America (USA) in 2014, is the umbrella body that now includes all English-speaking separatist movements whose aim is to claim the restoration of the autonomy of Cameroon's Anglophone zone called Southern Cameroons or the Republic of Ambazonia.
We Are Not Asking For Our independence- Secretary Of State Ambazonia
For the MCO spokesperson, "We got our independence on October 1, 1961. So we are not asking for our independence." He goes on: "People should not be wrong about that. We are demanding the restoration of the independence of Southern Cameroon between quotes Ambazonie ".

Independenceist explicitly refers to the existence of an autonomous state before 1961, the former Southern Cameroons. Larry Ayamba, who spoke in English during the interview, continues: "We have no problem with Cameroonians on the other side of the Moungo.

They are our brothers, they are our neighbors. And, it will remain so forever. It's like the hand and the fingers. They can not be separated. We Are Not Asking For Our independence- Secretary Of State Ambazonia

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