Celebrity News

Cameroon: The Opposition Denounces "The Maneuvers Of Muzzling" By The Administration

APA - Douala (Cameroon) The opposition Cameroon under the leadership of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) party leader of the parliamentary opposition, denounced Sunday in Douala, "the maneuvers of muzzling" of which she is a victim on behalf of the administration.

This exit comes the day after a forbidden march of the opposition on Saturday in Douala in sign of "solidarity to the populations of the North-West and South-West Cameroon regions" who have been experiencing a socio-political crisis for a year.

To prevent any incident, the authorities deployed on Saturday and Sunday the police in the arteries of the city of Douala, to prevent the opposition from holding its meeting which should be followed by a march.

"Opposite" actions by the opposition, convinced that "we are here in a totalitarian regime that takes us back fifty years", hammered the leaders of the SDF, adding that "we will not accept not to be muzzled by a partial administration ".
Cameroon: The Opposition Denounces "The Maneuvers Of Muzzling" By The Administration
The opposition is offended by the fact that "the red carpet is being rolled out at the Democratic Rally of the Cameroonian People (CPDM, in power), which may allow itself to organize public demonstrations without authorization, since in many cases , officials of this party do not even make the request.
In view of the prevailing situation, the opposition intends to mobilize so that "Cameroonians have the same rights" as it is true that "some are more Cameroonian and others less, since this country belongs to us all".

In any case, "we will not let ourselves be," said opposition leaders, not without asking "Cameroonians without exclusivity, to stand up as one man to defend their rights."

Last Saturday, half a dozen political groups at the initiative of the SDF planned to organize a meeting followed by a "peaceful" march in the arteries of the economic metropolis Douala, to express their "solidarity" to their fellow citizens of the regions northwestern and southwestern Anglophones, facing a socio-political crisis for a year.

A political rally banned by the sub-prefect of Douala I, because "are and remain strictly prohibited, the meeting and the march projected for October 21, 2017 by Mr. Jean-Michel Nintcheu, regional president of the Sdf, for radical change of the 'subject of the declaration'.

However, on October 12, 2017, the same sous-préfet issued the receipt to the SDF for the organization of its event.

It was then a question of "expressing the solidarity" of the SDF "with the populations of the North-West and South-West Cameroon regions" and in accordance with the law, the interested party undertook further "not to modify the 'object, neither the time and place of the meeting, nor the itinerary of the march without the prior authorization of the administrative authority'.

According to the administrative authority, the SDF changed the object of the demonstration because it "under the pretext of denouncing alleged mass killings of civilians on September 22 and October 1, 2017 in the Northwest and Southwest


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