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NATIONAL NEWS Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: Where Are The Freed Anglophone Leaders?

Released following a decision by the President of the Republic, these leaders have been silent since.

No statement to the press, no release, even less release on social networks. It is the total silence on the side of the leaders of the Anglophone crisis, released on August 31, 2017 following a decision of the President of the Republic, Paul Biya.

Since then, Paul Ayah Abine, Nkongho Felix Agbor and Fontem Afotek’a have not been heard. Neither on their release, nor on the socio-political situation in the North-West and South-West regions. In its September 8, 2017 edition, La Nouvelle Expression (LNE) speaks of deafening silence.
NATIONAL NEWS Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: Where Are The Freed Anglophone Leaders?
“The colors of this silence, they (the leaders) had already announced last Thursday when released from prison. Indeed, the chairman and secretary of the Anglophone Cameroonian Civil Society Consortium, during the nightly meeting organized by Brigadier General Elokobi Ndjock at the State Secretariat for Defense (SED), did not permit their voice heard during the exchanges.

They also refused any interview with the press, “said the paper, which also notes that the similar posture was adopted by former Supreme Court Advocate Paul Ayah Abine.

LNE recalled that some of these leaders, including Nkongho Felix Agbor and Fontem Afotek’a, had repeatedly indicated, before and during their detention, that they were willing to play mediators in the Anglophone crisis.

Their silence raises questions: “Have Anglophone leaders ceased to be leaders? Or are they going to contemplating on the news to do an update to their software?” Asked our colleague.

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