"Cameroon: Paul Biya Commissions Members of Government to The US, For Cover up of His Indifference to Anglophone Crisis"

The Prime Minister, Philemon Yang, with authority from the Head of State Paul Biya, shall have some government officials go to the United States on a mission to give clarifications to Cameroonians living there, on how the leader of the regime is handling the crisis plaguing the two English-speaking Regions of Cameroon.

The Director of cabinet at the Prime Minister's office, Paul Mingo Ghogomu and former Minister, Elvis Ngole Ngole amongst others will be in Trump's Country from 3 - 9 August 2017 to attempt a brainwash.
President  Paul Biya 
Cameroonians leaving in the Diaspora, especially in the US, are accused by Yaounde, for fuelling up the Anglophone crisis with finances. Majority of these Cameroonians think federalism is the only way to quench the crisis.

Since November, eight months ago, when manifestations began in the North West and South West Regions, authorities have been trying to quell voices calling for change.
They did it with military intimidation and arbitrary arrests. Southern Cameroonians are still languishing in Kondengui cells for crimes they know not of. They even risk death sentences as they are charged with promotion of terrorism.