Celebrity News

An NGO Gives Paul Biya 110 Days To Resign From Power, And Promises Cameroon Will Be A United Federal State

The Cercle de Réflexion sur les Droits et les Devoirs de la Personne Humaine (CRED) ensures that after the current Head of State, Cameroon will not be in chaos. 

The NGO assures that it will be a united federal state, a strong nation and a world economic power. The letter signed by Hilaire Bell, President of CRED on 15 August 2017, was transmitted to Anatole Fabien Nkou, Extraordinary Ambassador and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Cameroon to Switzerland.
An NGO Gives Paul Biya 110 Days To Resign From Power, and Promises Cameroon Will Be A United Federal State
According to the correspondence, a third notice is given after those sent on 22 October 2016 and 10 December 2016. 

It is accompanied by a program of peaceful demonstrations addressed to the Department of Security and Economy of the Canton From Geneva to Switzerland.

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