Yaoundé and Paris are considering a meeting between Paul Biya and Emmanuel Macron

Gilles Thibault, French Ambassador in Cameroon was received, on Tuesday 30 May 2017, by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya, for a meeting.

On the agenda, an overview of the topics of common interest.
Yaoundé and Paris are considering a meeting between Paul Biya and Emmanuel Macron
Talking to the press after close to two hours of exchanges, Ambassador Gilles Thibault said that the election of President Emmanuel Macron and the parliamentary election scheduled for mid-June 2017 were at the heart of the discussions with the Cameroonian Head of State.

It should be noted that following the election of Emmanuel Macron on 7 May as President of France, Paul Biya addressed on 8 May a letter of congratulations to his counterpart.

The Cameroonian President then assured his new peer of his availability to work, with him, towards maintaining the goodwill between Yaoundé and Paris to open new horizons in their cooperation.

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