White lady handcuffed at Zimbabwe roadblock

Zimbabwe police officers at a checkpoint handcuffed a woman in front of her crying children because she objected to being fined over a third number plate sticker.

According to a post by popular Zimbabwe Facebook community What'sUp Harare a rude and abusive woman police arrested the white lady in front of her children.

"OK, enough is enough," says the post, by a driver who claims a weekend trip from Harare to the popular resort of Kariba was "totally ruined" by the roadblocks.

"I am incensed by the injustice dealt to this one young woman at a Chinhoyi roadblock," he continues. "[She and her family] were told that their 3rd number plate on their trailer was 'defaced'.
White lady handcuffed at Zimbabwe roadblock
"When they argued the woman police officer became rude and abusive. So much so that their three young daughters in the car began to cry with genuine fear. The mother decided to video the ranting policewoman."

"Next thing she is handcuffed in front of her screaming children and placed under a tree while her husband and children are escorted to Chinhoyi police station," reads the post.
The driver says he managed to persuade the police to let him transport the unnamed woman (plus a cop) to the police station. The post has a photo of a young woman in handcuffs outside a car.