Married man exposed and shamed after trying to seduce landlady via whatsapp

A HIGHFIELD married man was recently shamed for allegedly sending love messages to his landlady pestering her for se_x, according to WhatsApp messages.

Maxwell Kanjanda, a tenant for 11 years, is said to have attempted to lure the woman who is single in a bid to avoid paying his escalating bills but his efforts were met with resistance.

The landlady Glenda Chitsinde reportedly spilled the beans and Kanjanda’s wife Fatima Kanjanda got the news leading to a caucus meeting to resolve the issue.

Maxwell confirmed pestering her for se_x saying he was drunk and had since resolved the matter.
Married man exposed and shamed after trying to seduce landlady via whatsapp
“Ndakamutumira mamessage zvaiva zvekudhakwa wangu, asi nyaya yacho yasvitswa kuH-Metro, vakomana vemuraini medu chete varikufambisa makuhwa.

“The story has already reached my wife, it’s now over and I am prepared to show you the messages if you are free to come ndiri kumba kwacho ndichirikugara ipapo,” said Maxwell.

Glenda, a single mother of one, told H-Metro that Maxwell sent love messages several times after she threatened to disclose the issue to her boyfriend.

“This couple have been staying here for 11 years and we take them as our relatives that I never expected to receive a love message from Maxwell,” said Glenda.

She added:

“He is a married man with four grown up children and I could not believe it.

“He went on to send love messages to me requesting to take a walk with me handizive kuti aida kuenda neni kupi, ko dai vana vake vaizosangana nesu vaiiti kudii.

“To make matters worse, Maxwell went on to send such messages after I threatened to take the issue both to his wife and my boyfriend.

“He knows my boyfriend, maybe he wanted to share love with me so that I do not demand water and electricity bills he is failing to pay.

“This issue of pestering me for se_x started after he lost his job and these days he is spending time home when his wife is at work. Pamwe ave kuwana nguva yekunditarisisa pandinenge ndichiwacha mbatya; kana kugeza ndavakutotya,” said Glenda.

Fatima confirmed the story. She however, blames Glenda saying she is the one who seduced Maxwell leading to their WhatsApp conversation.

“I know the story and saw the WhatsApp conversations only that I cannot leave my husband because of such issues.

“My husband apologised after he showed me the messages in his mobile phone but according to what I saw Glenda is the one who started the issue and was trying to seduce my husband.

“We have since resolved the issue after a meeting and it’s now water under the bridge,” said Fatima.

Source-H Metro