Celebrity News

Former Dynamos coach’s clashes with players over women exposed

FORMER Dynamos coach Paulo Jorge Silva has sensationally been accused of clashing with his players over women during his tenure.

The Portuguese fought with a number of players since his arrival at the Harare giants and sources say the fights were being caused by clashes over women.

Silva once accused stars Farai Mupasiri and Walter Mukanga of having se_x with a se-x worker while in camp before their 2-0 loss to FC Platinum.

It, however, has been alleged that Silva had interests in the same women if pictures that circulated on social media are anything to go by.
Former Dynamos coach’s clashes with players over women exposed
Sources said the punishment on Mupasiri was more personal than professional.

“The punishment on Mupasiri and Mukanga was personal. The woman accused to have slept with Mupasiri was the coach’s target. It seems he was not happy that he lost out on her to his player and decided to punish him.

“The woman was actually an employee at the hotel not necessarily a hooker as it was said. Silva saw Mupasiri having a chat with her close to their room. He went on to knock on their door but the woman was not inside as being said. She was actually outside,” said the source.

“So the woman went on to tell us that Silva was proposing love to her and begged to sleep with her at his room the previous night.

“The woman refused and I think it did not go well with him to see Mupasiri talking nicely to the woman and he started claiming that they had a ‘threesome’ along with Mukanga.

“Mupasiri and Mukanga never had se_x with a hooker, the issue is that Silva wanted the woman,” added the source.

Mukanga and Mupasiri went on to be dropped out of the squad that travelled to play Mutare City Rovers.

The Portuguese tactician is also said to have had a misunderstanding with a senior player at a pre-season match against Border Strikers.

The fracas which, according to the high placed source, also involved a woman, is said to have happened at a hotel and police details had to intervene

Another incident, the source said, happened in Bulawayo when the Harare giants played Chicken Inn in their opening match.

Silva was not immediately available for comment.

Source-H Metro

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