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Boss murders pregnant maid after she refused to reveal the father’s identity

A 31-year old woman from Seke allegedly murdered her 20-year-old maid after she failed to disclose the man responsible for her three month pregnancy.

It is alleged that on the 10th of April, Lucia Pedro of Masona village saw her maid, Tazorodzwa Takavada coming from the toilet holding two bottles of chilli and upon asking her, she said she wanted to use it to abort the pregnancy.

When asked who is responsible for the pregnancy, the maid is said to have failed to give a satisfactory answer.

On the same day during the evening, the accused allegedly took the now deceased to her bedroom and started assaulting her with an electric cable but stopped after realising that she was not disclosing anything. 
Boss murders pregnant maid after she refused to reveal the father’s identity
She allegedly then took blankets to sleep with the now deceased after she said she was feeling weak.

The accused is said to have woke up in the early hours the next day only to discover that the maid had died.

She informed her sister of the death, and the two went together to Dema Police Station to report the death.

Police, who attended the scene noticed some marks on the deceased, leading to arrest.

The body of the deceased was taken to Chitungwiza Hospital for postmortem.


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