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Zanu PF Mash West chair Ziyambi tastes own medicine as members vote him out

ACTING Zanu PF Mashonaland West provincial chair Ziyambi Ziyambi has been dethroned from his post for allegedly working against the First Lady, Grace Mugabe.

Ziyambi, who is also the home affairs deputy minister, took over from the ousted Temba Mliswa.

According to sources in the provincial executive, 27 out of 50 members have appended their signatures to vote out the deputy minister who was two weeks ago attacked by the First Lady for allegedly attempting to block her from officiating at a housing scheme in Kadoma.

Sources told NewZimbabwe.com that Ziyambi, the first person to engineer the ouster of people aligned to former Vice president Joice Mujuru, was now tasting his own medicine.
Zanu PF Mash West chair Ziyambi tastes own medicine as members vote him out
“We have signed the vote of no confidence against Ziyambi... he was causing divisions in the party and misled the First Lady not to attend a function for Jimayi Muvuduri whom he (Ziyambi) labelled a gamatox without understanding his relationship with the First Lady,” the source said.

“We want Cde Philip Chiyangwa to lead us. Ziyambi has failed to show proper leadership to the party and he is working with some people who were behind the gamatox team,” said the source.

Reached for a comment, Ziyambi said he was aware of a clique that was clandestinely plotting his ouster but said the allegations levelled against him were baseless.

“If they are saying I failed, then the entire provincial executive has failed and they must all go. I did all what I did together with other leaders,” said Ziyambi.

"It is unfortunate that people are abusing Zanu PF to settle their personal scores but I am yet to get the communication to the effect that I have been ousted.

I will deal with it when it is brought to my attention," he said.

Chiyangwa is currently a central committee member but he has always wanted to be a provincial chair, a post he once held before he fell out of favour with Mugabe for allegedly selling out state secrets.

He has lost the battle for that post twice first to the late John Mafa and more recently to Mliswa.

Last year, Chiyangwa was voted into the powerful central committee and if he was to get the chairmanship, he will have to surrender the central committee position.

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