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Ambazonians In La Republique du Cameroun: Act Now Before It’s Too Late!

Dear Ambazonian brothers and sisters living in La Republique du Cameroun, this war is worsening by the day. For 6months now its ripple effects are reaching far and wide. 

The hopes for a ceasefire we all once had are very faint now. Do not wait until the war is at your doorstep before you act. You can think smart and act smart right now before the worst happens. Panic befalls only the unprepared.

If you have been following closely you will agree with me that ever since this revolution started the effects have not been limited only to revolutionaries but have touched even those who had sworn to have nothing to do with it and localities that were thought to be furthest away from the crisis. 

Had we known soldiers from La Republique du Cameroun were going to carry out such extreme brutality and atrocities on our people as they are doing now, we could have taken some measures to prevent some losses we are now suffering from. 
Ambazonians In La Republique du Cameroun: Act Now Before It’s Too Late!
So we should not wait again until our people suffer losses in La Republique du Cameroun before we regret. A stitch on time now could save many in a few months time.

As more and more citizens of La Republique du Cameroun in Ambazonia flee from the war or are forcefully evicted from their bases in Ambazonia, many of them will go back home in fury and full of vengeance. They will be hostile towards our people living in their country. Incidents of such hostilities have already been reported recently. 

When families, relatives and friends of soldiers that have perished in the war get to know the truth, still being covered up by hierarchy in La Republique du Cameroun for now, they will no longer want to have you as next door neighbors, colleagues at work, Njangi mates, lovers, etc. You can quietly prepare against that right now in your own way.

In one of my recent write-ups I questioned how safe it was for us to flee the war in Ambazonia to La Republique du Cameroun. Those Ambazonians fleeing to La Republique du Cameroun are struggling for survival as most of them have already lost everything back home. 

Their situation is not the same as that of our people, who have lived in La Republique du Cameroun for decades, invested there, built relationships and raised families. Those Ambazonians are in a very difficult situation now. The dilemma of being loyal to the invader and being treated as a traitor to the revolution or being loyal to the revolution and risking everything they have built in the country. 

It is time to think smart and ahead of time. You can find ways to save what can be saved as far as your assets are concerned. The crisis is gradually but surely and inevitably spilling over to La Republique du Cameroun.

La Republique du Cameroun is hard up for cash. Their finances are dwindling as they continue to fund the war. Prices of basic commodities are skyrocketing. The economic impact will soon get worse and as usual they will turn on ordinary citizens like you to extort your hard earned money through various means just to continue funding the war. 

Right now the regime in Yaoundé has already dispatched teams to regions like the West region to lobby for financial support from business heavyweights promising in exchange, lucrative contracts, promotions and appointments to posts of responsibility. It will only get worse. Keep you cash handy and safe. Move your cash to safer havens. You must have seen and heard officials from La Republique du Cameroun already doing that. 

They are ahead of us in the game. They are stashing as much cash as they can because they know how bleak the future is going to be. Don’t wake up one morning to the shock of a frozen bank account in a bank in La Republique du Cameroun because you are Ambazonian. You can make the right move now before it gets late.

So, that said, you must be thinking now about what practical measures you can take right now to prevent the worst from happening. Here are some suggestions that might work for you:
Sell off some valuable assets you have in La Republique du Cameroun now especially those that can’t be moved in case you will have to leave suddenly.

Don’t lend money out to people in La Republique du Cameroun during this time of war. I would say borrow from them instead during this time. If you are in any Njangi group with people from La Republique du Cameroun, avoid being scheduled as a beneficiary in several months to come if you can.

Don’t make financial commitments like paying for a service that will come later in the year. For example: paying a builder in advance, paying your rents in advance, advance payments on plots and houses, etc.

Keep an emergency travel kit handy at home and also make it known to your family. Such a kit usually contains vital basic things like a passport, ID card, certificates, valuable documents, a phone, an ATM card or some wads of cash. If you have important information on your computer especially if you are in managerial positions in La Republique du Cameroun, back up all your files on external hard drives as well as store them on cloud platforms.

You and your family should avoid activities that tie you closely with La Republique du Cameroun people if you can. Such activities include social gatherings, teamwork or business. Keep closer to other Ambazonians living in La Republique du Cameroun like you. Train yourself and family on basic self-defense tactics. Show them weapons you might have at home. Show them hideouts within the house or surroundings, secret escape routes, etc.

I am not claiming to have the ultimate solution to the problem. You might have better solutions and I hope you do and can share them for the benefit of other Ambazonians trapped in La Republique du Cameroun. 

There are many things that can be done now that cannot be done at the last minute when hostilities against Ambazonians living in La Republique du Cameroun begin. As more and more groups call for a complete economic shut down on La Republique du Cameroun, think and make the right economic moves at your own level.

Ndoh Emmanuel


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