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Paul Biya Is An All-Risk Insurance For Cameroon - Atanga Nji

He hails from the northwestern region, where there are secessionist tendencies. He is in charge of the mission to the presidency of the republic and head of the CPDM permanent delegation in the mezam. 

He's a fool of Biya, a mole, a good-looking courtier, call him what you want. In correspondence with our editorial staff, he calls his boss to run the 2018 presidential election.

Cameroonians celebrated the 35th anniversary of the accession of HE Paul BIYA to the supreme magistracy with pomp and fervor. November 6, 1982 - November 6, 2017, 35 years have passed. In the life of a man, 35 years can appear at a time much while in the life of a state under construction like ours, 35 years do not represent much, the state being eternal.
Paul Biya Is An All-Risk Insurance For Cameroon - Atanga Nji
After 35 years of power of the Head of State, everyone can take stock: the CPDM, political parties of the opposition, independent observers and the international community.

But beyond the assessment that everyone can make according to their perception, there are points of convergence to emphasize and on which we must appreciate the action of the man of November 6, 1982. Cameroon is a complex and complicated country. It is rightly called "Africa in miniature". To govern Cameroon is to govern the 54 African countries. When HE Paul Biya reaches the supreme office, communication tools are not what they are today.

The information was tailor-made. Even the so-called democratic developed countries with the most powerful media only served the world with controlled information. This practice is far from being over despite the fierce competition of electronic media, internet and social networks.

Aware of the inevitable evolution of the world, in 1982, HE Paul Biya printed his brand and his style of governance based on the combination of Rigor and Moralization. The Head of State will focus on individual and collective freedoms. HE Paul Biya will introduce a word once taboo in the government vocabulary "democracy" and this democracy could no longer accommodate old habits.

HE Paul Biya opted for a profound change in the political apparatus. The Head of State only needed two years to understand that the single party was no longer going to survive. Clearly, the Head of State has anticipated what was called decades ago "the east wind". On March 24, 1985 in Bamenda, HE Paul Biya decided to create a new political party: the Cameroon People's Democratic Rally (DPRK) in place of the Cameroon National Union (UNC).

In the wake of the CPDM's creation, HE Paul Biya will introduce the plurality of candidatures to the legislative and municipal elections of 1986. It was the first "political tsunami" of Cameroon. 70% of barons of the former single party had not survived this wind of change wanted by the Head of State. They had all been swept aside by democratic elections in the CPDM. Gradual Evolution HE Paul Biya is a constant and consistent statesman.

He has always chosen a gradual evolution in the face of profound changes that engage the life of the nation. The Head of State does not like politics show. The revolution is carnivorous; she has the sad reputation of devouring her own leaders. HE Paul Biya is a weighted and measured statesman who does not yield to the pressure even less to the overbid. Objective political observers recognize that Cameroon is a stable, peaceful, respected and democratic country.

National unity is a model in Africa. HE Paul Biya has made Cameroon a country where all sociological and cultural components live in perfect harmony. It was not a pre-bet so Cameroonians are difficult, intriguing and even masters in the art of making crude and grotesque lies. But HE Paul

Biya, the grand master, knows Cameroon and Cameroonians deeply.

He knows our habits, our qualities and our weaknesses. And it is precisely for these reasons that our priorities are not necessarily those of the Head of State. HE Paul Biya is a Head of State who knows how to put himself above the fray for the best interests of the Nation. HE Paul BIYA devotes every year, every month, every week and every day of his life to build a great and beautiful country, Cameroon. He knows what is good for Cameroon.

In 35 years, he has won victories that are the prestige of our country. In 1992, HE Paul Biya rejected calls for the holding of the sovereign national conference in Cameroon declaring solemnly: "the national conference is not applicable". To date, seven of the ten African countries that opted for the organization of national conferences have fallen into civil wars.

Cameroon has not ratified the Rome Treaty on the International Criminal Court. Today, 90% of African countries that have ratified this treaty no longer want to hear about it. Thanks to the weighting and enlightened vision of HE Paul Biya, the Bakassi conflict has found a peaceful solution that is a credit to Africa.

Cameroon regained full sovereignty over Bakassi while maintaining good neighborly relations with Nigeria. In the eradication of the Boko Haram terrorist sect, HE Paul Biya played a leading role. The international community has recognized him as a man of action, a formidable strategist. Practical and pragmatic politician

The Cameroonian Head of State is a practical and pragmatic politician. He does what he says and says only what he will do. Cameroon under its enlightened leadership is changing profoundly: the new bridge over the Wouri, the Dam Lom Pangar are already operational, the Yaounde - Douala highway is in the pipeline, the Yaoundé - Nsimalen highway will be completed soon the Bamenda-Mamfe-Kumba corridor is fully completed, the Lagdo Dam will soon be rehabilitated. Work on the stadiums to host CAN 2019 is satisfactorily completed. These big projects which make the pride of Cameroon are supervised daily by the Head of State. In 35 years, SE

Paul Biya has moved Cameroon and will move more. It is with a sense of legitimate pride that CPMR activists and Cameroonians of goodwill celebrated the 35th anniversary of HE Paul Biya with pomp and fervor, with a glance set for 2018 to reiterate their champion during the 'presidential election.

YES, HE Paul BIYA is a new man, the tireless builder, always politically offensive and ready to face current and future challenges. I would even say that President Paul Biya is an all-risk insurance for Cameroon.

It is a Head of State who assures and reassures. With its praise, Cameroonians are grateful and will give their full support in 2018. Adventurers on all sides in search of notoriety have to be good. The Cameroonian people have never accepted the adventure.

Cameroon is a serious country. We do not play with Cameroon. Mr. President of the Republic, go ahead, the people are with you.

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