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Ambazonia Interim Government Condemns Attacks In Jakiri And Bamenda

Abuja, 9th November 2017 – The President of the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia (former UN Trust Territory of British Southern Cameroons pursuant to UN General Assembly Res. 1608(XV) of 21st Apr 1961), President Sisiku AyukTabe, condemns in the strongest terms the recent attacksin the Jakirilocal government area of Bui county and Bamendacity of Mezam county that led to the loss of life and propertyin the northern zone of the territory.This is an unfortunate and unpleasant situation.

AIG PR/042/2017
(For Immediate Release)

Monday, confrontation around Bilingual High School in Jakiri involving armed security forces and soldiers from the neighboring country La République du Cameroun and individuals, unknown to the Interim Government of Ambazonia, resulted in the death of Constable Maj.

Djodnia of the Police Service of La Républic du Cameroun, illegal occupier of the territory of Ambazonia since 1961.
Ambazonia Interim Government Condemns Attacks In Jakiri And Bamenda
Tuesday, a similar incident at the Bamenda city entry checkpoint led to the unfortunate death of Marshal Hinma René and pupil David Sallé of the Gendarmerie, part of the Army under an office of the Presidency of La République du Cameroun. Reacting and without investigation, additional deployed special armed forces of La Republic du Cameroun exacerbated indiscriminate arrest and shooting of unarmed civilians especially youths and mothers that have resulted in the dead of a young mother Mrs. Janet Ngwafor in Bamenda onWednesday the 8 of November 2017 and many are injured and on the run.

Significantly, Ambazonia has recorded 122 deaths , 150 people missing, 1894 persons injured by direct gunshots or torture, and at least 16,000 cases of internally displaced persons due to military activities carried out by armed security and soldiers under the direct instructions to “shoot-and-kill” by Secretary General in charge of Defence at the Presidency of the La Républic du Cameroun in Yaounde between September 22 and October 31, according to findings of a 15-person inquiry commission chaired by Member of Parliament for Jakiri, Honorable Joseph M. Wirba of the major opposition party in La Républic du Cameroun Social Democratic Front.

Across the border, the UNHCR in Nigeria’s Cross River State has recorded some 40,000 teenage parents and their children who fled massacre by the armed paramilitary and security forces of La Républic du Cameroun. In fact, the actual numbers cannot be documented because the Government of La République du Cameroun routinely blocks access to internet, regularly shut off electricity supply while banningfree movementpeople as the military forces continue to kill, kidnap, maim our citizens and dispose dead bodies in mass graves in the forests.

The President of the Interim Government expresses the heartfelt condolences of the people of Ambazonia to the families who lost their loved ones and wishes speedy recovery to the injured. He conveys the solidarity of the people of Ambazonia with the victims and affected families, at this particularly challenging situation.

These incidents points to a trend in which the community-oriented peace-loving people of Ambazonia known for their vibrant culture and thriving businesses are targeted to frustrate the Interim Government’s determination to achieverecognition as an independent, democratic, sovereign state in the community of nations.

The cowardly act attests to the deliberate effort by the repressive regime of Mr. Paul Biya to deter nonviolent progress being made by hardworking Ambazonians to restore their country from illegal occupation.

©The President of the Interim Government calls on the Chairperson of the African Union, President of the European Union, and Secretary General of the United Nations to take immediate steps and concrete actions to end the escalating situation perpetuated by the Government of La Republic du Cameroun.

At the core of these actions is a UN-sponsored referendum to ensure the complete withdrawal of appointed officials and military as well as security personnel throughout the territory of Ambazonia by Mr. Biya’s regime. This action will form an essential pillar our people and those of La Républic du Cameroun living side by side as neigbours in peace and security.

The President of the Interim Government calls on the people of Ambazonia and leadership of frontline movements to show renewed unity at this critical time and overcome divisions, to rebuild cohesion at all levels of the federal framework and institutions, per the resolution of the fourth conclave in Nigeria.

Such cohesion is a prerequisite for fulfilling the aspirations of the people of Ambazonia and for a prosperous nation. We should, together transform this tragic attack into renewed strength and resolve to continue working to restore peace and unity among the people of Ambazonia.

The President of the Interim Government reaffirms commitment to the principle of non-violence and to continue its diplomatic and legal effort vital to secure a seat at the table of international nations using relevant international law and instruments and work with countriesto completely regain the territory that the people of Ambazonia can proudly call home to live in freedom and peace and take charge of their destiny.

Sisiku Julius AyukTabe

President, Interim Government

Federal Republic of Ambazonia

Source - Ambazonia Interim Government condemns attacks in Jakiri and Bamenda

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