Celebrity News

Adolphe Moudiki, The Friend Of President Biya

A fellow of Paul Biya for four decades, the irremovable boss of the National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH) has become one of the most powerful men in the country.

"Adolphe Moudiki will be untouchable as long as Paul Biya lives, and perhaps even beyond," slips a fine connoisseur of the arcana of the Cameroonian power. It does not exaggerate. Between the all-powerful boss of the National Hydrocarbon Corporation (SNH), 78 years old, and the head of state, 84 years, complicity is not feigned.

The two men, who met on the benches of Lycee Leclerc of Yaounde and played tennis together for a long time and golf, accompanied by Jean-Gaston Noah, climbed together the echelons of power.

Magistrate of formation, Adolphe Moudiki joined the Ministry of Justice in 1972 before being appointed in 1975 technical adviser then secretary general of the cabinet of the Prime Minister Paul Biya, that will leave practically no more. 
Adolphe Moudiki
In 1982, he served as Chairman of the Board, where he briefly held a post of technical adviser and then the management of the civilian cabinet in 1988. In the meantime, he became general manager of the Régie des rails de fer du Cameroun (Régifercam). He was appointed Minister of Justice and remained until 1991. But it was in 1993 that the real promotion took place: he took the reins of the SNH, as director general manager, not to let them go again .

A powerful man

Bon vivant, this Douala from the petty bourgeoisie of Yaoundé has become one of the most powerful personages of the State. Playing close to the president, with whom he spent many of his holidays, he remains his most faithful friend. And his wife, Nathalie Engamba Ada, is an intimate of the first lady, Chantal Biya, whom she advises within her foundation. Former golf partners call each other very regularly, even if they see little else.
In particular, Moudiki granted the Treasury in 2001 a $ 31 million advance - of which 27 million would have been diverted - necessary for the purchase of the presidential plane Albatros

Adolphe Moudiki, who was more weakened by age than Paul Biya, repeatedly asked to retire, but the head of state categorically refused, believing that he could not trust any other person in the management of the SNH. 

And for good reason, it was notably Moudiki who in 2001 gave the Treasury the advance of 31 million dollars - of which 27 million would have been diverted - necessary for the purchase of the presidential plane Albatros.

Since then, the case has had its share of victims (Marafa Hamidou Yaya, Jean-Marie Atangana Mebara, Jérôme Mendouga, deceased in detention, and Yves Michel Fotso), but the head of the SNH has lost nothing of its influence. 

Although he often deserts his office and delegates many files to his two financial and commercial directors, he retains the keys to the state's "piggy bank", making and undoing the hydrocarbon quarries, where none director or minister shall not oppose him.

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