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Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: “We Francophones Should Apologize To Anglophones” – Jean-Pierre Bekolo

Jean-Pierre Bekolo is like many other Cameroonians concerned about the anglophone crisis that erupted at the end of last year. Invited on 15 August 2017 of the Canal 2 International La Grande Interview, the filmmaker argued that there is indeed an English-speaking problem. “I understood that there was someone who said,” 

We solved this and that problem. “If the problems were solved, it means there were problems and they had reasons for raising them, and that in resolving them, deep in the bottom it was acknowledged that there was something being done wrongly. 

I think that what was missing, what is missing, is first, when we are wrong, we have to apologize, “he reacted to a question from our colleague Jean-Bruno Tagne.
Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: “We Francophones Should Apologize To Anglophones” – Jean-Pierre Bekolo
He explained his thinking by stating that because the administration is no longer colonial, it is serving a people. This people are angry according to him. He thinks that contrary to what Laurent Esso said in Brussels “our whole history is between 1916 and 2017“. “We are caught up with shortcuts,” he said.
Bekolo, who denounced French arrogance, said that Francophone Cameroonians were victims of French colonization. “In our idea of the State, we have been masters. We speak of 400,000 deaths in the war of national liberation. 

And finally, one forgets that this arrogance has rubbed off on us. When we think of administration, we think of the administration of the one who crushed us. But anglophones have not experienced this. When we deal with them we carry this kind of colonization with its arrogance, with its violence! 

This is where we should, and I come back to that idea, excuse ourselves, “he says, not without prescribing the rejection of this” model. ” He believes that the images of the embassy in Ottawa that had secessionists show that the country is divided, is like a country in civil war.

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