Celebrity News

In Cameroon Some DGs Are Better Paid Than Donald Trump

These Cameroonian CEOs are all better paid than the President of the United States of America if their benefits are added to their colossal salaries.

The president of the Republic of Cameroon’s salary is more than that of the richest country in the world.

Biya, a multimillionaires in a state on the brink of bankruptcy,constantly beging for the IMF for financial aid,gets $ 400,000 per year which is about 18 million FCFA / month.

David Nkoto EMANE of CAMTEL is doing with a salary of 30,000,000 FCFA per month.
In Cameroon Some DGs Are Better Paid Than Donald Trump
Below is a list of Cameroonian CEOs and their salaries:

CHARLES NDONGO: Company CRTV, salary 7.000.000FCFA / month

Ngoni IKOME NJIE FRANKLIN:Company CDC, salary -30.000.000 FCFA / month.

PERRIAL JEAN NYODOG :Company TRADEX,salary -30,000,000 FCFA / month.

MESSI MARIE-THERESE ROSE ODILE :Company -CBC,salary -15,000,000 FCFA / month.

PHILIPPE CAMILLE AKOA:Company -FEICOM, salary -15,000,000 FCFA / month.

JOSEPH NGO :Company -ARMP, salary -13,000,000 FCFA / month.

IBRAHIM TALBA MALLA:Company -SONARA,salary -25,000. 000 FCFA / month.

ALPHONSE ONDOA AKOA :Company -CAMWATER,salary -15,000,000 FCFA / month

PIERRE EKOULE MOUANGU :Company DSX, salary -11,000,000 FCFA / month.

GASTON ELOUNDOU ESSOMBA:Company -PICS,salary 15,000,000 FCFA \ months.

CAMILLE MOUTE Bidias :Company -A FNE, salary -FCFA 12,000,000 / month.

EDOUARD ABADA Ebah :Company -CICAM, salary -20,000,000 FCFA / month.

LOUIS YINDA:Company -SOSUCAM, salary -30,000. 000 FCFA / month.

MEKULU MVONDO AKAME :Company -CNPS, salary -25,000,000 FCFA / month.

Source: cameroonweb.com( translated by Anja Terence for alafnet.com)

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