Celebrity News

Makandiwa prophecy on foreign peacekeepers intervention nearing fulfilment

United Family International Church leader Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa prophecy on foreign peace keepers' intervention in Zimbabwe seems to be nearing fulfilment if what happened today in Harare is something to go by.

Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa addressing congregants on Zimbabwe shutdown in a live service at City Sports Stadium last month said he saw foreign peace keepers coming to rescue citizens from police brutality.

Signs of the prophecy fulfilment rise as among other protestors MDC T youths caused chaos this afternoon in town after the police intervention in their peaceful protest.

A police officer yesterday was bruised by protestors when he wanted to stop the protest, as if it wasn't enough ZBC news crew vehicle, ZRP boss vehicle and a bus were set on fire after the police teargassed the whole city.
Makandiwa prophecy on foreign peacekeepers intervention nearing fulfilment
Also 11 Zimbabwean Opposition Political Parties are combining forces for a mega demo on Friday the 26th of August despite the Bulawayo Mega youth demo scheduled for 31st of August.

Although it raised much anger to the police, they could not take the city down as roads went blocked and people started to throw back teargas canisters to the police.

During this time in Zimbabwe when Pastors are being called all sorts of names and their messages are being taken for granted, this man deserves national ears for the betterment of the nation, especially when it is clear that all his utterances come to pass. Politicians enjoy it when they say it is God who placed them where they are with some claiming that they are anointed by God to lead yet they don't believe that he can say anything about their ruler ship.
"There will be a wave of demonstrations, they would stop, and start again and on the fourth time the situation will get out of hand and foreign peace-keepers will be called (sic). Remember, my prophecy about bees flying to come to bite other bees that will be stinging the people," he said during his Sunday service streamed live on YouTube.

The Prophet in September 2014 "I can see something, it's not something good,

But the way I see it...I gave you the exact month and said can it be pushed or not.

I saw, what is it that we had to pray against, from the physical some will say it's a nice thing but spiritually you see the after math, the consequence. It was like thousands entering into a field

These people were like farmers, all of them carrying seeds, they started planting them and as they planted the seeds, the seeds were very good but they were planting them in the wrong seasons, it was not the time.

The seeds were scattered everywhere but the time was wrong, God said though the seed may be good the timing was wrong. I tried to warn the people that's when the owner of the field said you can't plant in my field but the people never listened. That's when I then saw bees practically walking on foot and the bees were biting these people and the people were now crying, after the noise there were other bees which heard the crying and these ones came in flying.

After that then the bees started attacking each other. It's their responsibility to stop the disorder as bees and the farmers were crying out for help from the other bees and these bees were biting both the other bees and the same people crying. I prayed for the meaning..., I saw some of the rivers we have here in Zimbabwe, some turned into blood. I got into the fields and I saw blood spots on the walls and in the fields. This is a spiritual thing not a physical one... Interpreted as foreign peace keepers who would come to rescue Zimbabweans from the forces".

He also mentioned that the 4th time it's going to be worse and foreign peace keepers will come, a prophecy which was attacked by Government officials citing that they don't run the country on prophecy.

What is going to cause serious harm is the anger of the police after what they thought would be a simple dose of penicillin turned into a sour poison as tables were turned by protestors.

Prophet Makandiwa who is known for delivering prophecies that truly come to pass has since prophesied about the Zimbabwe Cash shortages in 2011, gave solutions but authorities' tent to block their ears. He also prophesied the death of the late General Muchemwa, stopped British air crash and Zambia xenophobia just to mention a few.

He is not the only man of God who has spoken on Zimbabwe's situation, for others such as Apostle Vutabwashe of Heartfelt, Bishop Tudor Bismarck, and Pastor Evan Mawarire of this flag among other have also said something which is now being fulfilled.

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