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EXPOSED: Magaya ‘s numerous se_x scandals,Zindoga prostitutes reveal shenanigans with other PHD Pastors

On a typical Friday evening, Zindoga Shopping Centre in Harare’s Waterfalls suburb presents captivating, though contrasting, scenes.

Church spindoctors came to their leader’s defence, insisting that the prophet had rescued a sinning woman. Well, in Luke 7:36-50 in the New International Version (NIV), Jesus forgave a prostitute, so the argument went.

The difference, though, is that no-one has ever accused Jesus Christ of fornication or adultery. Not even Simon who questioned why he had anointed the feet-licking pr_ostitute.

Bervely left the PHD ministry after a short stint, vowing that she had to go back to her di_rty dancing because she could not live on miracles alone. Magaya had stopped giving her the earthly material support, she sulked.
EXPOSED: Magaya ‘s numerous se_x scandals,Zindoga prostitutes reveal shenanigans with other PHD PastorsAdd caption
She is not alone in claiming adulterous tendencies on the part of the PHD prophet. Just last month, another former female worshipper, Angela Charakupa, instituted a $500,000 adultery demand against the man of the cloth.

Charakupa is insisting that Magaya must pay her that amount as damages for reneging on an earlier promise to marry her and wasting her time. She alleges the two were in love for some time but the prophet abandoned her for other women.

Magaya’s church says Charakupa is being used in a smear campaign by rival churches, particularly the traditional ones which PHD Ministries perceives are riled that he is taking away their followers.

Online media are currently running taped recordings of her alleged conversations with Magaya and his famous spiritual father, TB Joshua of Nigeria.

In one of the tapes, a person whose voice sounds like that of Magaya is heard flirting with her as he vows his love for her.

But it is the TB Joshua link that has baffled many. A man with the world-famous prophetic healer’s voice can be heard promising her a ticket to travel to Nigeria but the caller is too cautious to express his intention.

Charakupa, who reportedly leaked the tapes, complains bitterly to the Nigerian prophet that Magaya has abandoned her and is avoiding her.

Something dramatically similar happened in yet another adultery scandal involving Magaya in 2014.

A Harare man, Denford Mutashu, had filed a $500,000 lawsuit against Magaya at the High Court, alleging that the prophet had caused him pain and humiliation for having a love affair with his wife, Nomsa Ruvazhe.

She had spent a long time at Magaya’s healing lodges after experiencing a series of marital problems with Mutashu.

The husband, however, dramatically withdrew the charges after travelling to Nigeria to meet TB Joshua in the company of Mutashu, after a call from the prophet.

The Nigeria spiritual father paid for the trip, Mutashu admitted, and some say TB Joshua brokered the peace between the two love rivals and persuaded Ruvazhe’s husband to accept a $150,000 out-of-court payout.

Yet another PHD Ministries worshipper identified as Pastor Max has in the past accused Magaya of trying to have a go at his wife.

The wife reportedly told Pastor Max that Magaya was pestering her with sexual advances and he was also said to have received a call from TB Joshua to stop making public noise. Pastor Max is no longer worshipping at Magaya’s church.

Could all this be the work of people infiltrating PHD Ministries so as to tarnish Magaya? Is this the proverbial smoke that carries fire? Only time will tell.

Source-Nehanda Radio

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