Celebrity News

Amnesty beneficiary slapped with 6 months after failing to pay prostitute

CHIREDZI – A Presidential amnesty beneficiary has been slapped with a six months sentence after he destroyed property belonging to a se_x worker who had demanded money for services.

Innocent Zireva (28) appeared before Chiredzi Magistrate Geraldine Mutsoto last Friday.

The State led by Doubt Phiri told the court that on May 25, 2016 at around 9pm Ephiphania Hlambayo lured Zireva to her house for the purpose of pr_ostitution.

After the se_xual encounter Zireva refused to pay for the service and refused to vacate the house saying Hlambayo was now his wife.
Amnesty beneficiary slapped with 6 months after failing to pay prostitute
It was then that Zireva damaged a television set, twelve dinner plates, home theatre, a window pane and a door. The value of the damaged property is $249.

Magistrate Mutsoto convicted Zireva for malicious damage to property and sentenced him to six months in prison and three months were suspended for five years on condition of good behaviour and three months on condition that he restitutes $249 to Hlambayo.

Source-Masvingo Mirror

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