Celebrity News

Prophet Uebert Angel Condom Style Spins Cash Selling Doll Figurines - Anointed Dolls.

Fugitive preacher Uebert Angel has caused a stir with his church launching the sale of the man’s doll figurines, said to bring anointing cash fortunes.

In what is said to be in pattern with the condom supplies by colleague, ‘prophet’ Paul Sanyangore, Angel’s dolls are said to bring power and business luck.

“You keep it in your house, talk to it, and all your prayers will be granted,” a congregant told ViralBuzz.
 Prophet Uebert Angel Condom Style Spins Cash Selling Doll Figurines - Anointed Dolls.
Prophet Uebert Angel Condom Style Spins Cash Selling Doll Figurines - Anointed Dolls.

The doll is a replica of Angel’s body form and includes his flashing red shoes at the feet. The 37-year-old preacher calls himself Spiritual Father to men and women twice his age.
Several contributors in the newsroom voiced saying Angel’s conduct brings curses to the nation. “How can the heavens give us rain in all this abuse?,” wrote one

“There are better ways of fundraising, which he can venture into rather than selling these anointed dolls,” added another contributor.
While the declared official price tag on the dolls could not be established at the time of writing, the development comes after the man began sinking financially and has been kicked out of his church building in Birmingham.

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